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Storage Object in Use Protection

Persistent volume claims (PVCs) that are in active use by a pod and persistent volumes (PVs) that are bound to PVCs can be protected from premature removal.

Before you begin

The Storage Object in Use Protection feature is enabled in one of the below Kubernetes versions:

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.10 beta
This feature is currently in a beta state, meaning:

  • The version names contain beta (e.g. v2beta3).
  • Code is well tested. Enabling the feature is considered safe. Enabled by default.
  • Support for the overall feature will not be dropped, though details may change.
  • The schema and/or semantics of objects may change in incompatible ways in a subsequent beta or stable release. When this happens, we will provide instructions for migrating to the next version. This may require deleting, editing, and re-creating API objects. The editing process may require some thought. This may require downtime for applications that rely on the feature.
  • Recommended for only non-business-critical uses because of potential for incompatible changes in subsequent releases. If you have multiple clusters that can be upgraded independently, you may be able to relax this restriction.
  • Please do try our beta features and give feedback on them! After they exit beta, it may not be practical for us to make more changes.
FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.11 stable
This feature is stable, meaning:

  • The version name is vX where X is an integer.
  • Stable versions of features will appear in released software for many subsequent versions.

Storage Object in Use Protection feature used for PVC Protection

The example below uses a GCE PD StorageClass, however, similar steps can be performed for any volume type.

Create a StorageClass for convenient storage provisioning:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: slow
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd
  type: pd-standard

Verification scenarios follow below.

Scenario 1: The PVC is not in active use by a pod

Scenario 2: The PVC is in active use by a pod

Scenario 3: A pod starts using a PVC that is in Terminating state

Storage Object in Use Protection feature used for PV Protection

The example below uses a HostPath PV.

Verification scenarios follow below.

Scenario 1: The PV is not bound to a PVC

Scenario 2: The PV is bound to a PVC
